What do we do?

X=Y. At XEVAY, we answer what you want to know, the "X", through our EVA-proven methods to deliver you the "Y", your results, and recommendation to advance your programming in an informed manner.

XEVAY Consulting (aka Koroliuk LLC) is a consulting company that provides a range of evaluation and strategic consultancy services. Our company has a global network of top-rated, experienced consultants who will be able to provide quality project design, evaluation, and training services through their service in various national and international organizations. Our consultants understand the context in which decisions are made and apply findings to produce practicable recommendations based on context. W strive to equip your organization with the latest trends and innovations in your operations sector.

XEVAY (meaning for humankind)- stands for: X is the variables of what your need to find out, E encompasses the Evaluation cycle, V covers the structural Validation of all the criteria to entice relevant findings, A for the Advancement of practicable, reasonable, contextual recommendations that can be applied, and Y variable is the expected results when recommendations are followed up and implemented purposefully. 


The building blocks of XEVAY consulting builds upon our SMARTSTAR methodological structure, which is based on the internationally agreed OECD DAC evaluation criteria standards. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-related. At the same time, STAR addresses your Situation, the Tasks your organization had, the Actions taken, and the Results obtained to give you a comprehensive picture of your performance and suggestions for progressing toward your goals and objectives.

This methodology builds upon the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) core six internationally recognized evaluation criteria – Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability – and the two principles for their use, contextualization against the analysis of a) CONTEXT your current evaluation objectives considering the situation and the stakeholders involved and the b) EVALUATION'S LOCALIZED PURPOSE (how the evaluation resources should be allocated against data availability, constraints, timing, and methodological considerations to weigh in each criterion's relevance). 

Our methodological structure is to render your normative framework used to determine the worth of an intervention and the concatenation of policies, strategies, programs, projects, or activities required to advance your programming to fit your target stakeholder's needs and wants.

XEVAY is Koroliuk's new rebrand to reflect better our company's expertise, our SMARTSTAR methodology, and our goal to help your organization succeed in evaluating your practices and lay out your way forward.